Yesterday I lost my first follower. I checked in the morning I had 302 followers then in the evening I checked then I saw the number 301 follower. Three hundred and ONE…ONE why ONE ??? What did I do to lose that follower? Do followers leave some blogs? why, when, and what???
Then it hit me. It is not what did I do to lose it, it is what I didn’t do. Well, I know (ashamed face) I didn’t write posts on a regular basis. I think maybe it is the language thing that makes me always wait so much time to publish my post (since you know English is my third language) I always keep on writing and editing but from now I should be a lesser perfectionist and stop worrying about my grammar.
So from now on I will start writing posts about everything I like, about everything that makes me say Ohhh, Ahhh and Wow, and hopefully, I will ohhh, Ahhhh and Wow you too 🙂 Like my recent thrifty find, these 2 teacups with vintage romantic look :
I’m a pink girl…Lately, I’ve been adding a lot of pink touches throughout my house, and this color makes me feel so happy! If that makes sense to you then tell me what color makes you happy?
Don’t ask me about the names of these books 😀 I just bought them because the cover is pink lol
I’m in love with my vintage silver sugar bowl.
So shhhh between you and me, I’m not gonna judge: Do you keep on checking your follower’s number?or am I the only one?
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Oh, I love this post. The images are beautiful. When I follow–I really follow. That's why I don't like people to ask me to follow–I follow because I really want too, and I really follow them. I have lost a few followers–but I think it is because they just stop blogging or something, they close their Goggle account or whatever. At least that's what I figured:)
Those flowers are fabulous too!
Pretty pictures. Great post. Well, I have to admit that I have "stopped following" blogs! I know, but, when you follow blogs and never get a response time and time again and you feel that you are't even a live or you read and just don't have a clue whats going on,it is sometimes either hurtful or just not a fit. The way they have redone google,its hard to find your favorites any more, so it's easier to downsize, I think is what some are doing. Hang in there, things will adjust!
Wow. Your photos looks so pretty. Don't worry I'm sure the person just stopped and it it has nothing to do with you.
Please don't be hard on yourself ~ the blogging world changes daily. I agree with Ginger in that some folks are just downsizing…I know I am. I've followed some blogs and left comments but the person(s) do not reciprocate. When that happens continuously, I'm outta there! I'm thrilled with each comment and each follower ~ means the world to me that someone takes the time.
Your photos are gorgeous! I absolutely love the tea cups and the silver sugar bowl. I've never been a pink person but this spring has brought a fondness for deep pinks, more like a fuschia, along with apple green, yellow and shades of orange.
Have a wonderful day!
Rasha, I'm certain it's nothing you did, or didn't do, because you have always had an incredible blog that sucks your readers right in! I've followed you for quite a while, but regrettably, have never taken the time to leave a comment. For that, I'm truly sorry! I promise to do better! Life just gets in our way sometimes and only allows us so much time for our guilty pleasures! In fact, I started a blog a while back and it's yet to be finished! Maybe tomorrow….haha!
Your post today is exquisite! I've always admired your photography skills and today's post is no exception! I'm a 'pink' gal too and will be looking for a pink book! LOL
I totally love how you put this arrangement together…very classy!
So get that chin up and keep doing what you're doing! You ROCK!
I'm quite sure it wasn't anything you did or didn't do that left you one follower less. I've only been following blogs for a year and was following everything that moved and some that didn't. 🙂 I was so excited over this "world" that I had not known existed. Over 150 emails a day were way past ridiculous and I had to cut back and cut back drastically. I now get about 50 per day and am still trying to cut back. I wouldn't worry about it. From the sounds of the rest of these commenters you bring great things to their blogoverse.
I'm kind of a pink girl and kind of not. Once my hair went grey I couldn't wear pale pink any more but now I can wear the deeper shades.
As for your teacups, they are exquisite! My Mother was of the generation that collected teacups – they had teacup showers when they got married and served tea at card parties, high tea, and the likes. I have been given a few over the years. When my Mom passed away I inherited her tea cups and didn't quite know what to do with them so I boxed them up and put them in the basement. Didn't want to keep them (didn't have room) but didn't want to get rid of them, either. Then I started reading blogs and found all kinds of things I can do with them. I moved a couple of months ago and can't wait to find and unpack them and start using them as decorations. Will be using them as a "theme" in my kitchen and will show one or two elsewhere. When I'm bored with those I'll switch them out with some others. I can't wait and I'm so glad I decided to keep them. Yours, though, I've never seen the saucers shaped that way. I love the edges and the fact that the bottoms are more rounded than normal. The pattern reminds me of one of my Mom's but don't know which one. Is there a manufacturer's name on the bottom? The handle is somewhat like the Royal Albert handles. I'm going to keep my eye out for one for myself. They really are quite beautiful and unique!
For what it's worth I quite like your blog. It's not frilly, fancy and your photography skills are great! Keep up the great stuff!!!
i only have six followers, and i will hunt down those sons-a-.. i mean…:D
love your post, the flowers, teacups, books, the whole shebang is fabulous!
Thx alot my dear,I feel so joyful when you compliment my photography
Im so glad you guys are commenting on this post, cause I didnt know alot of the blog's manners..alot of time I didnt comment back or follow..not because I'm mean or bad but because either I was too busy or sometimes the follower blog is not my style ( even though they had great thing but just not my style)since I know now more about these manners I hope no follower will leave me :))
And sometimes I dont reply to my own comments cause you didnt add your email I like to reply via email, like now I coudlnt comment to you by email cause I think you didnt add your email 🙂
And saying my photos are gorgeous really means the world to me because Im still a newbie and I try my best to have good pictures.I love all shades of pink actually I love all the colors 🙂
I do not have a blog so I have zero followers, I do not have the patience to write a blog or the time really, I tend to spend my time reading other people's blogs.
Like you English is my 3rd language, I was born in Lebanon too, I know for a fact that you do not have any problems in writing english, so I would not worry about loosing one reader. I do love the flowers in your vase, what kind are they?
I look forward to reading more in your blogs.
Thank you
ya I know what you are talking about, that is why I prefer to follow via google not via emails 🙂
And hey who said pink and grey doesnt look good together …those are my favorite 2 colors 🙂
Oh so glad you didnt throw the tea cups away…I would have cried now if I knew you got rid of them, you are so lucky I wish I can dig in those boxes 🙂 cause lately Im obsessed collecting tea cups but they are so hard to find.And just hearing you talking about the teacups showers that your Mother had makes me wanna attend those showers so badddddd…As for my teacups Im pretty sure they are not old they just look vintage , they dont have any manufacturer's name on the bottom nothing written , and at the thrift store she told me they are collectibles I told her they dont even have a manufatcturer's name she wanted to sell my the one tea cup and saucer for $8 I ended up getting them for $6…not a great price but I liked them alot :)))
Rimaaaa…my 1st Lebanese follower ( other than my sisters of course 😀 ) Thx alot for your sweet comment. Let me tell you a secret my husband proof read almost all my posts 😀 but sometimes I dont have the patience to wait so I hit the publish button lol.
As for the flowers these are fake I bought the whole bouquet with the vase from Marhalls
I can totally relate to you! Since I am new to blogging, I check my follower list several times a day, and I cheer loudly every time I see a new follower..It is just the kid in me..And regarding the language barrier, I can relate to that as well..English is my second language, and I cannot even tell you how many times I write, delete, rewrite a post..Sounds good when I write it, but not so good when I put it down on paper..I like your posts, and you can count me as a follower for many years to come.
Your vignette is beautiful. I think you have a lovely, and creative blog. Don't stress too much about a lost follower here and there. There could be many reasons for it, and nothing that you did, or didn't do. Pour your energy into making your blog the best it can be, and the followers will keep coming.
I know it's easier said than done, but don't sweat the followers. Continue to do what feels right to you. Blog about what you love. Focus on quality over quantity. In that way, you will build a loyal, genuine and true readership with whom you can enjoy a long and meaningful relationship.
Weeks from now, that one fickle fish won't matter a bit. In fact, it looks like you've already rebounded and connected with some new and enthusiastic friends.
Consider me #306. Pleased to "meet" you by way of the Tip Junkie's linky.
Jenn/Rook No. 17
I am sorry you lost a follower. I did not know that could happen since I am so very very new to blogging. I love you posts and the language thing just adds more charm, so do not worry about that!
I also, enjoy looking at you beautiful pictures and projects.
Please check out my blog & let me know what you think. I will follow you so add another one, will you also follow me?
Thank You & Many Blessings
I LOVE those teacups!! ANd I love pink too~esp at this time of year, it feels so springy!! As far as followers go, all I can say is write about what makes you happy and don't worry about followers, they will come. The right followers for YOUR blog~thats the kind you want to follow you!
PS Following you NOW!!
So nice to meet you at Knick of Time Tuesday. Don't worry about losing a follower. Life is too short. Your table looks lovely. Would love to know the maker of the cups. Just for the sake of curiosity. Perfect pinks!
ooo lovely teacups! are you able to check what pattern name or company makes them?
i love them!!
and followers often drop off the list but then new people take their spot – it happens regularly so you have no reason to worry… just keep blogging. it's not about how many or which people follow. it's about you doing what you love…
thank you for sharing your beauty with us today!
shhh…I do keep track – I'm only new! I've much smaller numbers than you!!!
Love the tea cups – they are so pretty 🙂
Don't worry about your numbers. Most of the time people don't unfollow…they usually just stop blogging or close their google accounts. Focus on the loyal followers you do have and blog because you love it…not for the numbers. Teacups are beautiful. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.
Beautiful tea cups and the pics are fabulous! I love those flowers! I wish I didn't check my followers so much… but I do! I always get excited to see new ones and it really does keep me motivated to keep blogging. I've lost a few followers along the way too – I know it can be a downer. Keep on going though – there are many more that are still following! Thanks so much for linking up to The Creative Spark – hope to see you again next week!
Jenn 🙂
Nice blog.. i liked the pictures !
english champagne
The teacups are so pretty! I love different kinds of teacups, and these are beautiful! Love the flowers too!
Beautiful pictures, I'm following:) I hope you'll share this at my link party, running now through Saturday night! 🙂
They are so pretty! I love the frilly saucers 🙂
I'm a pink lover too! These tea cups are so pretty. AND if you've only lost one in 300 followers – then you're doing well! Just keep being your fabulous self.
Warmly, Michelle
fabulous styling and photography!
hope you'll visit soon–a great giveaway hapenning:
Aw, I'm sure it wasn't anything you did! I watch my number of followers religiously, though. I have just one! 😉
Beautiful teacups and arrnagement…I would have snagged those as well. In terms of followers, don't worry too much about it. Some follow, some unfollow. Some subscribe and some unsubscribe. I think it is all part of the game. It is disappointing, but it happens. Thanks for linking up to my party – so glad you did!
Stacey of Embracing Change
I really honestly try to post the things that are interesting to me because really my blog is for me. Don't be upset over a follower leaving. I'm sure it wasn't anything you do. Sometimes it just happens. Your teacups are so pretty….waiting for tea and a friend!;)
This is a darling post!! Loving it!!! We loved having you join us for "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." Hope to see you again soon! -The Sisters
Don't worry Rasha it's happened to everyone in the blogland to lose some followers along the way! It's happened to me too. I don't think it's our fault though. I'm loving these flowers in the vase! Pink or yellow makes me happy too!
And don't forget… Friday is your guest post at my blog!
Okay, that coffee table display is to. die. for.
Featuring you today at Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL!
Beautiful china. Love the pink.