Yesterday I lost my first follower. I checked in the morning I had 302 followers then in the evening I checked then I saw the number 301 follower. Three hundred and ONE…ONE why ONE ??? What did I do to lose that follower? Do followers leave some blogs? why, when, and what???
Then it hit me. It is not what did I do to lose it, it is what I didn’t do. Well, I know (ashamed face) I didn’t write posts on a regular basis. I think maybe it is the language thing that makes me always wait so much time to publish my post (since you know English is my third language) I always keep on writing and editing but from now I should be a lesser perfectionist and stop worrying about my grammar.
So from now on I will start writing posts about everything I like, about everything that makes me say Ohhh, Ahhh and Wow, and hopefully, I will ohhh, Ahhhh and Wow you too 🙂 Like my recent thrifty find, these 2 teacups with vintage romantic look :
I’m a pink girl…Lately, I’ve been adding a lot of pink touches throughout my house, and this color makes me feel so happy! If that makes sense to you then tell me what color makes you happy?
Don’t ask me about the names of these books 😀 I just bought them because the cover is pink lol
I’m in love with my vintage silver sugar bowl.
So shhhh between you and me, I’m not gonna judge: Do you keep on checking your follower’s number?or am I the only one?
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centsationalgirl , herecomesthesun , funkyjunkinteriors , twindragonflydesigns
itsoverflowing , iheartnaptime , bystephanielynn , modvintagelife , myuncommonsliceofsuburbia , sweetlittlegals , sugarbeecrafts , thekurtzcorner , notjustahousewife , tipjunkie , mommybydaycrafterbynigh , insidebrucrewlife , creatingahouseofgrace , primitiveandproper , thewinthropchronicles , diybydesign , cleanandscentsible , twindragonflydesigns , restoreinteriors . somedaycrafts, staceyembracingchange , theshabbycreekcottage , jaimelyn , beyondthepicketfence , thevintagefarmhouse , frenchcountrycottage , findingfabulousblog, cookienut, lollyjaneboutique , bedifferentactnormal , bluecricketdesign , classyclutter , sixsistersstuff , iheartnaptime , bystephanielynn , diyshowoff , sugarbeecrafts , gratefulbelly , theshabbycreekcottage , fivedaysfiveways , knickoftimeinteriors, bystephanielynn , thekurtzcorner