– My Guest Bedroom Reveal

I know some of you might already see this post under my Home Tour page but I’m organizing my blog with new pictures, trying my best to improve my pictures quality but since this room is so dark I think for now these are the best pictures I can take 🙁

Remember, we are renting so no major renovations 🙂 Before I show you the  pictures I want to tell you that I hate the wall color, this being said, then you can start the tour with some before pictures:


And here is the after:
After I stained the console table here.

and spray painted the brass wall sconces here.

If you can see in the before picture, the headboard was natural light wood from IKEA, it didn’t match the decor at all so I had to spray paint it silver.


I even painted this end table silver, since it is not that practical I will replace it when I find the right nightstand.


You can see  here how I painted this black mirror.


here for the Chandelier canvas

I don’t like to paint the inside of the furniture, so this vinyl worked perfectly with the colors of the room


I can’t believe I found those knobs at Homegoods!


The Blue Evil Eye Painting is a gift from my Mom ( she is an artist), you can find some of her paintings here.

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abowlfulloflemons , iheartnaptime , linda-coastalcharm , missmustardseed , frenchcountrycottage , romantichome , tatertotsandjello , shabbynest , nominimalisthere , twenty-eight-0-five , sweetlittlegals , shabbynest ,bedifferentactnormal , bystephanielynn , skiptomylou , abowlfulloflemons , mommybydaycrafterbynight , projectqueen , notjustahousewife , primitiveandproper , cleanandscentsible , bluecricketdesign , itsoverflowing , thetrendytreehouse
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0 thoughts on “– My Guest Bedroom Reveal

  1. I like the after version too. My favorite is the inside of the drawers, cute- cute! But when I come to visit I do need more space on the nightstand top so you will have room to set my snack for bed. So what kind of nightstand are you thinking?


  2. You did a great job of working around the "Renter's Neutral" wall color- I wouldn't have thought a moment about it because the furnishings and decor are so fantastic! It feels expensive and lovely. Great job! Found you at bedifferentactnormal 🙂

  3. I especially like your chair–it looked so forlorn before and now it looks like it makes sense. You did very well creating a mooood, especially given that you couldn't paint.

  4. It's amazing that you used the same furniture and got such a fabulous transformation with paint, new curtains and bed linens. Love the new knobs on the little chest.

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